Freightliner CPC4 Module Repair and Rebuild Service

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    • Warranty : Life Time Limited Warranty
  • Shipping : We pay return shipping cost in Canada

A0034461002 / 001 | A0034461002 / 002|A0034461002 / 003 |A0034461002 / 004 |A0034461002 / 005 | A0034461102 / 002 | A0034461102 / 003 |A0034461102 / 004 | A0034461102 / 005 | A0034461202 / 001 | A0034461302 / 001 | A0064463402 / 001 | A 003 446 11 02 / 005 |A00 344 61002 | A 0034461002 |  A0034461002001 | A0034461002002 | A0034461002003 | A0034461002004 | A0034461002005 | A0034461002/001 | A0034461002/002 |  A0034461002/004 |  A 003 446 10 02 / 001 | A 003 446 10 02 / 002 | A 003 446 10 02 / 003 |  A 003 446 10 02 / 004 |  A 003 446 11 02 / 002 | A 003 446 11 02 / 003 | A 003 446 11 02 / 004 | | A 003 446 12 02 / 001 | A 003 446 13 02 / 001 | A 006 446 34 02 / 001 | RA0034461302 | EA0034461302 | A0034461302 | 0034461302 |A2C83553200 |A0034461002/005 | DDE A0034461002 | A 003 446 10 02 / 005 | 0034461002/003 | RA0034461002

most common  CPC4 module’s issues

  • ABS Light staying on
  • Gas Pedal Problems
  • No start / Intermittent start
  • Dead throttle / Intermittent throttle
  • CPC reads as a different module (reads as CPC2, TCM, etc.)
  • Check Engine Light is on
  • DEF Light staying on
  • Instrument Cluster loses communication

9131 Keele Street, Unit A4

Vaughan, ON L4K 0G7

Toll Free: 888-405-7730

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Please contact us with any questions or comments.